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National No Pants Day – Benefits of Sleeping Without Pants

un'immagine del profilo dell'autore di TSA Andjela

Scritto da Anđela Rajković

Consulente del sonno certificato

17 giugno 2024 6 minuti di lettura

Are you ready to ditch your pants and get a better night's sleep? Well, mark your calendars because National No Pants Day is here, and we're here to tell you all about the benefits of sleeping without pants.

It's that time of year again when people across the country celebrate National No Pants Day. While this may seem like just another silly holiday, there are actually some significant benefits to sleeping without pants that are worth exploring. From better sleep quality to improved reproductive health, there are several reasons why you might want to consider ditching your PJs and going commando in bed.

All about National No Pants Day

National No Pants Day is a humorous holiday that is typically observed on the first Friday in May in the United States. On this day, people are encouraged to leave their pants at home and instead wear shorts, skirts, or other clothing that does not include pants. This applies to going in public, of course! When it comes to No Pants Day at home – you are encouraged to sleep naked (we will get to that soon!).

The origins of National No Pants Day are unclear, but it is believed to have started as a prank by a group of college students in the 1980s. Since then, the holiday has gained popularity and is now celebrated in various parts of the country, often with public events and gatherings.

Should we be sleeping naked?

Since we are sleep enthusiasts, it would be a shame not to take advantage of this ‘holiday' and tell you something more about not wearing underwear to bed!

Namely, sleeping naked, or going commando, can have a lot of potential benefits – it can be beneficial both to our physical and mental health, and, most importantly, it can be beneficial to our sleep quality.

So, what are the benefits of sleeping naked?

Now, let us talk about all those benefits of sleeping naked – both mental and physical health benefits.

Miglioramento della qualità del sonno

Sleeping naked can potentially migliorare la qualità del sonno by regulating the body's temperature. When we sleep, our body temperature naturally drops, and wearing clothing (especially tight-fitting underwear) can trap heat, causing discomfort and causing trouble falling asleep.

However, sleeping underwear-free can promote air circulation around the body and help regulate body temperature, leading to a more restful, comfortable and deep sleep. This is especially true during warmer months or in hot climates when wearing clothing to bed can lead to sweating and discomfort.

Better skin health

When we sleep, just as previously said, our body temperature drops, and all the heat and moisture become trapped under all that underwear. This, then, leads to skin irritation, rashes, and acne. So, if you decide to go commando, you will allow all that heat and moisture to evaporate, and reduce the likelihood of skin irritation.

Moreover, some studies suggest that sleeping in certain types of underwear, usually synthetic underwear, can expose the skin to potential irritants and allergens. Sleeping naked can eliminate this risk altogether.

Reduced risk of infection

Sleeping naked can potentially lead to a reduced risk of infections due to a few factors.

First, tighter-fitting underwear or even sweaty underwear (including pyjamas) can create a breeding ground for bacterial growth, leading to an increased risk of skin infections, such as folliculitis, yeast infections, or fungal infections. By sleeping without clothing, the skin is allowed to breathe and stay dry, reducing the risk of all this bacterial overgrowth.

Additionally, sleeping naked can reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) for women, as wearing tight or restrictive clothing can cause friction against the urethra and promote the growth of bacteria.

Improved reproductive health

As we mentioned before, sleeping naked helps women stay free from all bacterial and yeast infections – two things that don't go hand-in-hand with women's reproductive health.

And, when it comes to men – their reproductive health can too enjoy some benefits of not wearing boxers or any other kind of tight underwear. Namely, male fertility solely depends on sperm count and quality. Sleeping naked can contribute to higher sperm concentration, as high temperatures can damage sperm production.

Increased self-confidence

Sleeping naked can potentially lead to improved self-esteem!

Primo, sleeping naked can promote better body image and self-acceptance. When we sleep naked, we are forced to confront our bodies without the protection of clothing, and this can help us become more comfortable and accepting of our bodies as they are.

Additionally, sleeping naked can promote better skin health and hygiene, which can lead to feeling more confident and attractive. When we feel good about our physical health and appearance, we are more likely to feel good about ourselves overall.

Mother-baby bond

Skin-to-skin contact between a mother and her newborn baby can have numerous benefits as well. 

For the baby, skin-to-skin contact can help regulate body temperature, improve breastfeeding success, promote bonding with the mother, and reduce stress and crying. The close physical connection between the mother and baby during skin-to-skin contact can also help regulate the baby's heart rate, breathing, and blood sugar levels.

For the mother, skin-to-skin contact can promote oxytocin release, a hormone associated with feelings of love and attachment, and can help establish a strong emotional bond with her baby. Skin-to-skin contact can also help stimulate the production of breast milk, promote faster recovery from childbirth, and reduce stress and anxiety.

And, if you must wear underwear, then what?

However, if you don't want to sleep naked but you still want to get enough sleep, that is, enough good-quality sleep, there is a solution.

And that solution is called sleeping in cotton underwear – or, even better – in loose-fitting cotton underwear. This type of underwear will still enable your body to breathe and prevent restricted blood flow and infections.

Whatever you do, just stay away from synthetic fabrics – these will do you more harm than good! The same applies to pyjamas – always go for ones made of natural materials.


At the end of the day – the decision of whether to sleep naked or not is ultimately yours.

Sleeping naked can offer a variety of potential benefits for both physical and mental health. By regulating body temperature, improving skin health, reducing the risk of infections, promoting better reproductive health, and boosting self-esteem, sleeping naked can be a simple and effective way to improve overall well-being.

Naturalmente, it's important to note that not everyone may feel comfortable sleeping without clothing, and personal preference and cultural norms may play a role in deciding what feels best for each individual. However, for those who are open to trying it out, sleeping naked can be a low-cost, natural, and accessible way to potentially improve sleep quality and promote better overall health.

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Anđela Rajković
In qualità di consulente del sonno certificato CPD e di appassionata del sonno, trovo molta gioia nel portare la mia esperienza ai nostri lettori - preferibilmente a quelli che amano dormire. Con una formazione in lingua e letteratura inglese e un amore per la ricerca, sono sempre alla ricerca di nuovi modi per condividere le ultime scoperte sulla scienza del sonno e sul dormire. E quando non sono in contatto con i miei lettori, mi potete trovare a esplorare i grandi spazi aperti o, beh, a raggomitolarmi a letto.
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